
English Jpanese
No.1 I look forward to working with you. よろしくお願いします(仕事で)
No.2 I'm looking forward to seeing you again ではまたお会いしましょう。
No.3 I really should apologize for having been
out of touct.
No.4 I'm glad everyone is well.That's the main thing. 皆様お元気でなによりです
No.5 I'm sorry not to have been in touct for so long. ご無沙汰しています
No.6 Is your family all doing well? ご家族の方は元気ですか?
No.7 How old are your children now? お子様はいくつになられましたか?
No.8 I go in the room humbly. 恐る恐る部屋に入る
No.9 I put the wash into the washing machin. 洗濯物を洗濯機に入れる
No.10 I stand and chat in the hallway. 私は廊下で立ち話をする
No.11 I grin. にっこり笑う
No.12 I dice a carrot. にんじんをさいの目に切る
No.13 I split the  bill. 支払いを割り勘にする
No.14 I am tired out. 疲れ果てる
No.15 I'm sorry.What did you just say? 失礼。今なんておっしゃいましたか
No.16 I have a question. 質問があります
No.17 What dou you base that statement on? 何を根拠にそう言うの?
No.18 When was that? それはいつのこと?
No.19 Would you rether have  Western-or Japanese-style food? 洋食と和食どちらがいいですか?
No.20 Can I try this on? これを試着してもいいですか?
No.21 What dou you feel like douing? 何がしたいですか?
No.22 Are you free this weekend? 週末は暇ですか?
No.23 Do you want to come over to my  place? うちに遊びにきませんか?
No.24 This food is good for you. この食べ物は体にいいよ
No.25 You'd  better hurry up.  急いだほうがいいわよ!
No.26 Shouldn't you rethink that? 考え直したほうがいいんじゃない?
No.27 Be on time. 時間を守って。
No.28 If you start to feel  sick, let me knouw immediately, all right? 気分が悪くなったらすぐに言ってくださいね。
No.29 Don't drink yourself under the table, all right? 酔っぱらわないでね
No.30 Fast food that's gone cold tastes awful. ファーストフードは冷めるととても食べれない
No.31 Let's have some lunch here. ここでお弁当を食べよう
No.32 Let's come here again. また来よう
No.33 Did you have fan today? 今日は楽しかった?
No.34 I've  got to shake off  this drowsiness. 眠気を覚まさなければ
No.35 Do you want to put on some music? 何か音楽でもかけましょうか?
No.36 The desk top is all messy. デスクトップがごちゃごちゃしてる
No.37 They say pets that don't make noise are populer. 鳴かないペットが人気ですって
No.38 Is there anything that would make a good landmark? 目印になるものがありますか?
No.39 I like to walk. 歩くのが好きです
No.40 Do you have any Japanese-language magazines? 日本語の雑誌はありますか?
No.41 It's started raining, so I'll drive you home. 雨が降り出したから車で家まで送ります


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